Calm Your Jitters With Sedation Dentistry

It’s not uncommon to feel a little jittery or anxious when heading to the dentist. In fact, research shows that 58% of individuals feel anxious about heading to the dentist. According to WebMD, about 20% of those individuals avoid the dentist because of those jitters.
You don’t have to miss out on necessary dental care, though. At SPA Dental Group, our team of providers knows the importance of regular dental care, and that’s why we offer sedation dentistry to calm your nerves.
If you’ve ever wished you could be less jittery at the dentist, sedation dentistry might be right for you. There are several different types of sedation, and we’ll explore the in’s and out’s in this article.
Is sedation dentistry right for you?
If the thought of an upcoming dental procedure (or even a cleaning) is giving you jitters, sedation dentistry might be right for you. Sedation dentistry benefits people with:
- Anxiety regarding upcoming dental procedures or cleanings
- Sensitive teeth and sensitive nerves
- Dental phobia
- Bad experiences during past treatments
- Smallmouths (that are easily tired and sore during dental work)
Sedation dentistry is also beneficial if you need extensive dental work or multiple procedures done. This is true for children who need extensive work. Sedation (adjusted appropriately for age) can help reduce anxiety and fidgety-ness in children during their appointments.
What types of sedation are available?
The term sedation dentistry is sometimes used interchangeably with the phrase sleep dentistry, but these aren’t necessarily the same things. Sedation dentistry refers to the use of medication before or during a dental procedure that helps you stay calm and relaxed. Sedation is used in addition to a local anesthetic to ensure you’re not only calm but comfortable too.
At SPA Dental Group, we offer:
- Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas
- Oral sedation
With the above-listed types of sedation, you’ll remain awake, but you’ll be relaxed, calm, and drowsy. Should you require general sedation (for oral surgery), you’ll be asleep or unconscious during the entire procedure.
Laughing gas
Laughing gas is simply inhaled through your nose while you sit in the dentist’s chair. Laughing gas is also safe for children, and it’s very easy to adjust the dosage. Once the mask is removed and you no longer inhale the nitrous oxide, the effects wear off quickly. Laughing gas is a type of inhaled minimal sedation.
Oral sedation
With oral sedation, you’ll take a sedative prior to your procedure. The level of sedation ranges from minimal to moderate, depending on the dosage you take. You may feel so sedated it’s possible to actually fall asleep during your appointment.
The effects of oral sedation last a bit longer than laughing gas. If you’re planning on oral sedation, you’ll need to arrange a friend or family member to drive you home.
IV sedation
With IV sedation, you’ll receive medication through an IV instead of through inhalation or oral medications.
General sedation
For more complex procedures (like oral surgery), you may benefit most from general sedation. During this type of sedation, you’ll be unconscious and you won’t remember anything from your surgery.
Say goodbye to the jitters with sedation dentistry
Depending on what types of procedures you need, your overall health, and your age, we’ll suggest the appropriate method for sedation. We offer sedation at both our Midtown East, Manhattan, in New York City and Washington, DC locations so you, or your child, can get the dental care you need -- without any added stress or worries.
If you’d like to experience the perks of sedation dentistry during your next treatment, book an appointment at SPA Dental Group today.
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